Thuy Smith International presented the 2011 Volunteer of the Year Award to Greg and Behni Johnson and family. The Johnson Family has been volunteering with our organization since 2008. They have been a part of serving our Vietnam Veterans and their families at our Annual Vietnam Veteran Appreciation banquets. They were also a big part of the planning for our very first Official Vietnam Veteran’s Day Celebration for Wisconsin in 2010. Greg was responsible for getting many businesses to come on board as a sponsor and also coordinated with the Eau Claire Fire Department Honor Guard to be a part of our Aisle of Honor procession. They involved their son Tre (14) and daughter Mercedes (16) with their community work. It is very evident that Greg and Behni are loving and caring parents, as well as genuine community minded individuals. Every time I called them, they were ready and willing to be of assistance. We thank them for their commitment and service to Thuy Smith International and to all Vietnam Era veterans and their families. You have honored all of us and continue to set a great example for your children and others in the community. Comments are closed.
People Making a DifferenceToo many times there are people who do great things (big or small), but never get recognized. Sometimes its because people don't give proper credit to where credit is due and so other people's ideas, accomplishments, or other acts of Greatness never become known.
I admire those who do things without any thought except to do the right thing and to help someone in need. However, I feel it's important to acknowledge "Greatness" when we see it. Categories